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A passion for helping people provides purpose for KC Royals Scholar

Shanakay Osbourne has been in a unique position, as one of
the few students to participate in 20/20 Leadership for three years instead of
two.  She is grateful for the opportunity
to participate in the program, especially as it was a program day to the
University of Central Missouri that helped solidify her decision to attend the

17-year-old Shanakay is a native of Kingston, Jamaica and
moved to the United States when she was eight years old for what she describes
as “a better opportunity.”  Initially,
she found it hard to adjust and credits her elementary teachers for their
assistance in helping her to adjust to the culture and language.  That support, along with work on her school’s
20/20 Olympics projects, has pushed Shanakay to her chosen field of study:
social work.

In her second year in 20/20 Leadership, she had a chance to
work with students in the special education program at her alma mater, Ruskin
High School, and educate them on healthy lifestyles.  As a senior, Shanakay and her team decided to
work with children involved in Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts.

She also credits the 20/20 Leadership program with helping
her learn professionalism, as well as skills that will be needed for the
workforce.  Although she describes
herself as quiet and shy, she said, “20/20 got me more involved and I was able
to meet students from different schools.” This skill will be beneficial for her
in the next chapter as she looks forward to meeting new people from a variety
of places during her college career in Warrensburg.

Reflecting on the night that she was named a Royals Scholar,
Shanakay remembers being surprised, happy and proud all at once.  She initially planned to attend Penn Valley
Community College, being mindful of college costs and expenses.  Now armed with a $10,000 scholarship from the
Kansas City Royals, she is able to be the first in her family to attend a four-year
institution, in pursuit of her dream to help others.

The KC Royals scholarship is made possible by a generous donation from the Kansas City Royals and Royals Charities.  Participants in 20/20 Leadership are eligible to apply for the scholarship.