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There’s no place like home for KC Royals Scholar and new college graduate

Between her junior and senior year of high school,
Kelsey Schriver visited the campus of Northwest Missouri State University six
times and never thought of going to college anywhere else.  “For me, it was the feeling of ‘when you
know, you know,” she says.  Kelsey is an
anomaly in a few ways, considering that she only applied to Northwest.  She also did not change her major during her
four years in Maryville, crossing the stage, armed with a degree in interactive
digital media. 

Kelsey has been preparing for life as a young
professional since she began participating in 20/20 Leadership as a high school
junior at Piper High School.  “Practicing
handshakes and introductions were helpful. 
I’m not afraid to embarrass myself and 20/20 helped shape that,” she
says.  “Going through the program helped
me to become more professional and think of myself as less of a high school

Her journey as editor of the yearbook at Northwest
also helped Kelsey along the way by offering a scholarship, as well as allowing
her to cement her place in history as the first person to serve as editor of
the Northwest yearbook for three years.   Her journey towards this role began as she took
an interest in graphic design during high school and served as a photographer
for the yearbook as a college freshman.

Kelsey reflects back to April 2012, when she
realized she in fact had earned a $10,000 scholarship from the Kansas City
Royals.  “My mom and stepdad lost their
jobs during my sophomore year and were not able to help me finance my
education.  The Royals helped me go to
college and without them, I would not have been so successful,” she says.

Kelsey is back home, working an internship at VML
and giving herself one year to move out of her parent’s home.  Combining love for her hometown, with the
opportunities of her chosen career field, so far, seems to be a perfect match
for the new graduate. 

The KC Royals scholarship is made possible by a generous donation from the Kansas City Royals and Royals Charities.  Participants in 20/20 Leadership are eligible to apply for the scholarship.