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Future educator and KC Royals Scholar finds inspiration from her own educational journey

Since she can remember, KC Royals Scholar Claire Mansur has
somehow participated in activities that involve children, ranging from
babysitting to working at summer camps.  All
of the roles are fitting for the future educator, who will graduate in December
2016 from Missouri State University in Springfield with a degree in elementary
education.  Soon after, she will hold a
master’s degree in literacy, due to a program that allows students to complete
both degrees within five years.

Claire is currently spending the summer working a youth
program at Union Station.  This fall, she
will complete her student teaching and look forward to substitute teaching next
spring.  In preparation, she contemplates
the type of teacher she would like to be. “I want to challenge kids, be hands
on and not just pass out worksheets,” she says.

Hands-on is likely an understatement for the 2012 Lincoln
College Prep graduate who describes herself as a calm and a go with the flow
type of person.  During her junior year
of college, Claire served as the lead coordinator for an alternative spring
break trip to Dallas.  The purpose of the
trip was to provide a safe place for kids in the area to go during their spring
break. Her role was to coordinate all logistics for the trip, including the
selection of the other students that would attend, the curriculum and
activities for the week, along with transportation and lodging.  

None of the planning process for the alternative spring
break trip could have been accomplished without professionalism and networking,
skills Claire says she gained as a result of participating in 20/20
Leadership.  Participating in the program
also helped her begin the process of branching out, as she says she didn’t
initially know many other students in the program.   “The
field trips also served as opportunities to learn things, such as how to shake
someone’s hand and meet professionals,” she said.

Finally, she is also grateful for the opportunity to be
named a KC Royals Scholar, a scholarship that has helped her family now that
her younger brother begins his college journey this fall.  “I was shocked when my name was called, but I
thank my mom for even encouraging me to apply.”

The KC Royals scholarship is made possible by a generous donation from the Kansas City Royals and Royals Charities.  Participants in 20/20 Leadership are eligible to apply for the scholarship.