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20/20 Leadership funder continues to support program, citing program growth and effectiveness

Each year, Dr. Linna Place, along with other
trustees from the R.A. Long Foundation are invited to enjoy lunch with
students, alumni and staff of 20/20 Leadership. 
Each year, the lunch is a reminder for her just how much the program has
grown since 2003.  The foundation was part
of the first cohort of funders when 20/20 Leadership crossed state lines from
Kansas to Missouri.  “I see that it is an
established part of secondary schools now,” she says.

The annual lunch is not the only opportunity Linna
has had to see students in action.  Linna
and other trustees also are invited to program days and those experiences are
equally impressive.  “The students in the
program are leaders and they are not necessarily always the class president,”
she says.

R.A. Long, a lumberman and philanthropist, became
wealthy in the 1900’s and a foundation was established.  The foundation also looks to provide support
to organizations that target youth in the Kansas City area and that fits in
line with the work of 20/20 Leadership. 

On behalf of the foundation, Linna continues to
support the program for a number of reasons, including the feeling of
appreciation she feels as a funder.  “We
always receive thank you letters in a timely fashion and as funders, we are
always informed and engaged,” she says. 

Despite growing up in the suburbs of Chicago,
Linna has had a lasting impact on the Kansas City area in a variety of
roles.  She earned her Ph.D. from the
University of Kansas and began teaching history at the University of Missouri –
Kansas City.   She now serves as the
Director of International Academic Programs at UMKC.  Her initial introduction to the program came
from a colleague and supporter of 20/20 Leadership, Lou Potts, who encouraged
her involvement and the support has continued.  
Lou and his wife, Annetta still support 20/20 as well with an annual
donation to the Gene Denton Memorial Scholarship. 

When students graduate from high school as
participants of 20/20 Leadership, Dr. Linna Place hopes they leave with at
least two things: an awareness of self and an awareness of the larger
community.  “I also hope they leave the
program as energetic and confident individuals,” she says.