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Armed with confidence, this once self-described shy student looks to make impact in journalism

With a father and grandfather who served in the
U.S. Navy, William Crow thought that might be destined for a career in the
military as well.  However, with new
opportunities and experiences provided to him by participating in the 20/20
Leadership program, he will begin classes at Kansas City Kansas Community
College in August 2017, as a Kansas City Royals Charities Scholar.

As scholarship winners were announced on April 20,
William heard pieces of his essay and knew he in fact won the $10,000 scholarship.  “I knew those were my words, but I was still
in shock,” he remembers.  He also
remembers the sense of confidence he had even before being notified that he was
in fact one of the top ten finalists. 
The sense of confidence was instilled in William by his older brother,
who reminded him of these words, “If you want things to happen, they will.”

He thinks back to when he first learned of 20/20
as a sophomore at Turner High School and admittedly, wasn’t as involved in
other extracurricular activities. William saw 20/20 Leadership as a program
that provided new experiences, such as meeting with professionals at the annual
Business Expo and an opportunity to give back to his community through the
20/20 Olympics projects.  William and his
team worked for two years to secure $7,500 in funding for their project,
Brightening Turner.  The money raised
will be used toward the lighting of a futsal court at Midland Trail Elementary

William plans to stay local after graduation, a
move he describes as “cost-efficient.” 
He will complete his general education courses at Kansas City Kansas
Community College and transfer to the University of Kansas to earn a degree in
journalism.  His next goal is to start a
blog, sharing a variety of personal interests, including sports.  William also looks forward to working as a
correspondent during international conflicts, with the ability to report back
to viewers in the United States.  He also
plans to use his platform to raise awareness about autism.  William’s youngest sister is autistic and he
is inspired by his mother’s work with Autism Speaks.

The KC Royals scholarship is made possible by a generous donation from the Royals Charities.  Participants in 20/20 Leadership are eligible to apply for the scholarship.