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Future doctor looks to impact field of medicine, with family by her side

As a young child, Janeth Lopez was taught that she could be
anything she wanted to.  With that
message, she set her sights on pursuing a career in the medical field.  She also understood from a young age the
power of medicine and its ability to change lives and help people at the same
time.  As a freshman in high school,
Janeth had dreams of becoming a nurse, but now says that she is focused on
becoming a surgeon.  On the path to becoming
Dr. Lopez, Janeth is also armed with a CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant)
license, earned during her senior year at Ruskin High School.

She will enter the University of Missouri - Kansas City this
fall, majoring in biology.  UMKC has been
a familiar place as Janeth has taken dual credit courses at the university and
participated in pipeline programs that have offered exposure to the medical
field.  She also looks forward to the
entering into what she calls a diverse and great environment in the heart of
the city. “I still plan to live at home with my parents, as I have a great
support system in my family,” Janeth adds.

The idea of family is an important one for the hardworking
honor student.  Janeth, growing up in a
household with her parents and two younger sisters, is the first in her family
to attend college.  “It is my responsibility
to set the example,” she says.  Janeth
has already demonstrated quite the example for her sisters to follow,
considering she already has a resume that includes four years of ROTC, the
school soccer team, student council, as well as seven years in orchestra.  Additionally, she volunteers at St. Joseph
Medical Center. 

The effort that Janeth has displayed as a student and a scholar
paid off for her, by way of earning the KC Royals Charities Scholarship this
year.  She admittedly was nervous as she
attended the Shining Stars Awards Celebration in April and says that the
interview via FaceTime didn’t help her nerves either.  “After the interview, I kept thinking about
how I made it one step further,” she recalls. 
Once her name was announced, Janeth began to remember the effort that
she put in as a student and participant in 20/20 Leadership. “It showed me that
I could do it,” she says.

The KC Royals scholarship is made possible by a generous donation from the Royals Charities.  Participants in 20/20 Leadership are eligible to apply for the scholarship.