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Senior Leader dazzles the stage in front of 2,000 professionals at Greater KC Chamber of Commerce Annual Dinner

In front of a crowd of more than 2,000 professionals, Naya
Boyd shined. A senior at Paseo Academy, Naya was selected to speak
at the annual Greater KC Chamber of Commerce dinner based on her
participation in 20/20 Leadership. 

When asked how she felt about being asked to represent 20/20 at this event, Naya said she was nervous.  "I was nervous until I walked up to the stage.  I couldn't even eat," she said.

Naya spoke about her own aspirations to open her own child care facility and
made an important ask to the audience, requesting that they each put education
first, before anything else. It wasn’t an easy task, but practice and
confidence carried her through. She was able to work with a speechwriter to
perfect her words and delivery. 

What was the most exciting part of the experience for her? Giving the speech and hearing the applause from the audience, she stated.

In addition to participating in 20/20 Leadership, Naya is a member
of the inaugural class of KC Scholars, receiving scholarship support
and coaching for her educational endeavors for up to five years.

“We were very proud of Naya as she represented 20/20 Leadership at this event.
She has always given her best as a member of the program and we
couldn’t have selected a better student to be on stage that night,” Crystal
Everett, Program Director, said.